
The Amiga Gradient Master (TAGM)

July 2022

Amiga Gradient Master (


New features since last version


Modifiers zone

Hue, Saturation, Value. They affect only the preview, and the exported data. Keypoints are not impacted and will keep the value you assigned them


Keys zone

For each key, you have the following items (from left to right):

Below the keys, 2 extra fields remain:

Export zone

Coders will know what to do with this data. Still, there are some important details:

Values per line : Allows to format the assembly code dump (how many words per line in the “dc.w” part).

grdmstr_data info that comes before the «palette:» label features the information to re-generate the data. Keep this piece of text somewhere if you want to save a copy of your settings and adjust your gradient later.

• To load a previously edited gradient, just paste the «grdmstr_data» text and hit the «Load From Text» button